

Monthly Archives: February 2016

HB 4036A Clean Electricity and Coal Transition bill

Tillamook County Conservatives:

      This legislation (HB 4036A) takes away the Public Utility Commission’s ability to regulate private utilities.  The PUC was designed to make sure energy monopolies don’t overcharge the rate-payers (us).  They are the only defense we have against utilities that are driven by profit & overcharging the public.  There’s nothing wrong about a business making a profit but gouging the public isn’t fair when competition doesn’t exist.  By law, the utilities are allowed to make a 10% profit after normal costs are accounted for.  The PUD determines what the “normal costs” are and allows an increase or decrease in rates as appropriate.  This bill takes the PUC out of the equation & basically dismisses about 6 recent rulings against the private utilities.  This is a very bad bill.  I urge you to get on the phone to you’re your Senator (Betsy Johnson north county & Arney Roblan south county) and let them know your opinion.  An E-mail will also work but the spoken word does carry more conviction.  As always, be polite.


Thomas M. Donohue

     Yours In Liberty,


   Thomas M. Donohue

     TCRCC Chairman


Oregon Citizens Lobby


Join Us at the War Room
Tuesday February 23, 2016 RM 167A

 Thursday February 25, 2016 RM 243 
Tuesday March 1, 2016 RM 257       

        Wednesday March 2, 2016 RM 257

 8:00 am to 5:00pm  


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HB 4036A Clean Electricity and Coal Transition bill


 Public Hearing 02/22/2016 1:00pm HR B 

Status (overview) of bill:https://olis.leg.state.or.us/liz/2016R1/Measures/Overview/HB4036
Committee assigned to bill:https://olis.leg.state.or.us/liz/2016R1/Committees/SBT/Overview

Senate Committee On Business and Transportation


Senator Lee Beyer


Senator Fred Girod


Senator Rod Monroe


Senator Chuck Riley


Senator Chuck Thomsen

Submit Testimony: Email: sbt.exhibits@state.or.us

In Senate Committee on Business and 
Contact your Senator let them know your opinion and the facts!

Clink here to: Find your Senator!

 SUMMARY: Directs PUC to develop renewable standards eliminating coal and increase renewable power to double that required by the Oregon Renewable Portfolio Standards.

PERSONAL CHOICE: Utilities can usually pass prudently incurred costs to ratepayers limiting them to a 10% profit. This bill has significant incentives to build solar and wind powered generation capacity without

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Important update

The following Facebook post from Rep Bill Post of Keizer.  Get it on the website right away.
Tomorrow (2/18) the Oregon House will take up the vote on raising the minimum wage with SB 1532. I don’t know if the other side is just dumb or they really intended this to happen but guess what one consequence is? A $10,000 a year pay raise for legislators! Yep. Here’s a story on that (oh, and in case you think that’s a partisan statement, the non partisan Legislative Fiscal Office gave Rep. Paul Evans a report confirming this fiscal impact). Rep. Shemia Fagan in the Business and Labor Committee on Tuesday night said that the stories from businesses telling about their fears of what might happen should we pass this were “hypothetical”. Yep. Folks, you don’t need to write me, either here or by email….you need to write YOUR state representative and ask them “are you voting for a pay raise?”
Here also is a blog from a Democrat farmer on the effects of minimum wage hike:


Myths About Malheur Wildlife Refuge Standoff

Tillamook County Conservatives:

     Malheur County is a long way from Tillamook County, but not that far.  Grazing rights, logging rights, mining rights on lands in Oregon owned by the federal government (is this Constitutional?) are in question not just in Malheur but right here in Tillamook County.  Government overreach could & does happen here, just like Malheur.

     The following article from the Capital Press comes from an agricultural perspective.  I look at it from a Constitutional perspective.  This begs the question:  do we live in a free country; a country founded on individual and state’s rights with a central government that has the permission of the people, and the sovereign states, to administer our Constitution; in other words, a Constitutional Republic?  Well, do we; food for thought?
   Yours In Liberty,  TCRCC Chairman
Thomas M. Donohue

Thomas M. Donohue


We must dispel myths surrounding protest
Clint Siegner
By Clint Siegner

For the Capital Press
Published:   February 11, 2016 1:04PM 
It is time to dispel a few myths about what is going on.

Oregon Gov. Kate Brown sat in her office Jan. 20 and drafted a letter to the U.S. attorney general and the director of the FBI. She wrote that negotiations with the “radicals” occupying the Malheur Wildlife Refuge had failed and insisted on a “swift resolution to this matter.”

Local officials, including Harney County Judge Steve Grasty, made similar demands. On Jan. 26, they got what they asked for.

Authorities, including the FBI, ambushed and arrested Ammon Bundy and others on their way to a meeting in neighboring Grant County. They shot LaVoy Finicum dead. He was not holding a weapon.

Awful. Grasty and Brown knew what might happen should the FBI decide negotiations had failed. Few have forgotten the stand­offs at Waco and Ruby Ridge and that “swift” federal action often means people die — in many cases, indiscriminately.

It’s ironic, but the behavior of the judge and the governor goes a long way to make the refuge protesters’ case for them. Blind devotion to federal authority is terribly dangerous to lives and to liberty.

The protest in Harney County will certainly not be the last over federal overreach. Here is hoping people find reason next time, before demanding dangerous federal intervention. Continue reading

District 10 Candidate Announcement


Mr. David Huguenel:GOP2

    GOP  As per our conversation this afternoon, I will file as a candidate for State Representative District 10 opposing Representative David Gomberg this weekend.

      I’m a native Oregonian born on the day General Douglas MacArthur invaded Inchon Harbor Korea, September 15, 1950.  I became a Republican when Ronald Regan first ran for President, noting his common sense principles of smaller government, a strong military, personal and fiscal responsibility.

      I’ve lived in Tillamook County since 1980.  I currently work for the Oregon State Lottery since 1992 as a technical analyst (Technical Support Specialist).  I served in the Oregon Army National Guard from 1970 to 1978.  Prior to working for the Lottery, I was a doryman commercial salmon fisher, fishing coastal ports from Warrenton to Brookings.  I’m proud to claim a long time Directorship of the Pacific City Dorymen’s Association in which I Chaired its Memorial Wall Committee creating a 30 ton memorial monument at Cape Kiwanda in 2009.  I’ve also Chaired the Pacific City Planning Advisory Committee, and currently serve  
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Miners, Education and Minium Wage


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SB 1530 Federal agencies to determine, state and federal mining programs can be better coordinated


SJR 203 Constitutional change to State Board of Education

02/05/2016   SJR 203 VOTE: YES     In Committee


SB 1532 Minimum wage increase

02/02/2016   SB 1532 VOTE:NO   

Minimum wage bill passes committee and goes to the Senate floor
 Let Senator know your opinion and the facts!

Senate Floor Vote 02/08/2016

Status (cverview) of bill:https://olis.leg.state.or.us/liz/2016R1/Measures/Overview/SB1532

SB 1532 Minimum wage increase


GOPThe following is information about the minimum wage bill currently before the Oregon State Legislature.  It requires your immediate attention.  Call, write or E-Mail your State Senators and Representatives.  Don’t forget, this session only lasts until the end of the month.  Our adversaries use this small amount of time to ram their liberal progressive agenda through.  Your activism as citizen lobbyists is the only way to slow down or kill repulsive job killing legislation like this.  Don’t forget to be polite.  

SB 1532 Minimum wage increase

Oregon Citizens Lobby

Join Us at the War Room
Thursday February 11, 2016

 8:00 am to 5:00pm Front Entrance take the stairs on the left.
Location is the second floor Lobby on the Senate side. 



The Forgotten Constitution of the United States
President Donald J. Trump’s Accomplishments List:

Tea Party Picture

TCRCC Oficers


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