The next meeting of the Tillamook County Republican Central Committee will be Thursday, December 6th, at the Tillamook PUD Building Carl Rawe meeting room (the first door inside the rear door) located at 1115 Pacific Avenue (Hwy 101 North) in Tillamook. The business meeting will start at 7PM. Light refreshments will be provided by the Chair.
It appears that as of this writing, that all of our holiday raffle tickets have been sold. The drawing will be held at Beaver Firearms and Grocery Saturday noon, December 15th.
We all worked hard this year & it’s time to have a little fun. Please bring a holiday dish to the meeting to share. We have a lot to be proud of and to be thankful for. Thank You
I’m looking forward to seeing everyone on Thursday, December 6th at 7 PM.
May You & Yours have a Blessed Christmas
Thomas M. Donohue
TCRCC Chairman
The Tillamook County Republican Central Committee (TCRCC) is a registered Political Action Committee (PAC) with the Oregon Secretary of State’s office (Ore. SOS ID# 340). Its stated purpose is to “Support Republican candidates and ideals”. All contributions up to $50 can be deducted from your state income tax. An individual taxpayer can deduct up to a total of $50 or married couples filing jointly can deduct up to a total of $100. As of January 1, 2014, there was an income limitation for the Oregon Political Tax Credit. The credit is eliminated for contributors with federal adjusted gross income of over $200,000 for a joint return and $100,000 for other individual tax returns. An individual’s political donations are not deductible for federal tax returns. At this time, all correspondence with TCRCC can be directed to TCRCC c/o Thomas Donohue PO Box 69 Pacific City, Oregon 97135-0069. The phone associated with the TCRCC is (503) 965-9970 (Chairman). The website associated with the TCRCC is: