

6-7 Pm Potluck Dinner June 16th

Officers Mess Hall – Port of Tillamook 6825 Officer’s Row

  1.  6-7 Pm Potluck Dinner
  2. 7PM Invocation & Flag Salute – Opening of Business Meeting
  3. Precinct Committee Swearing in Ceremony
  4. Secretary: Reading of the Minutes 
  5. Treasurer’s Report:
  6. Chairman’s Report:  
  1.  Discussion of VoterRef.com. possible motion to adopt
  2. Communications:  Tillamook GOP Website, Facebook and email 
  3. Central Committee Finances
  4.  Open Floor
  5.  For the Good of the Order, Adjournment, 50/50 Pot
The Forgotten Constitution of the United States
President Donald J. Trump’s Accomplishments List:

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