

Feb. 1st TCRCC Meeting

WLN ( Western Liberty Network ) Ex. Dir. Richard Burke will be our guest Speaker, Be sure to be there! 

Tillamook County Conservatives:
     The next meeting of the Tillamook County Republican Central Committee will be Thursday, February 1st, at the Tillamook PUD Building Carl Rawe meeting room (the second door inside the rear door) located at 1115 Pacific Avenue (Hwy 101 North) in Tillamook.  The business meeting will start at 7PM.  Light refreshments will be provided by the Chair.
     OK, we now have a healthcare sales tax………..geez………..What will they come up with next, more gun control, abortions for everybody, carbon tax, sugar tax, taxing taxes??  All of these and more, you can count on it.
     Oregon’s next legislature starts in a couple of weeks.  The liberal progressive majority will try anything they can get away with & it is our duty to stop them with our individual citizen lobbyist efforts.  That means we have to pay attention to upcoming legislation, write letters & e-mails as well as telephoning legislators & committees.  February’s meeting will feature an expert on interacting with the legislative process, Oregon Executive Director of the Western Liberty Network, Richard Burke.  Richard will also comment on his expertise in helping local candidates win local elections with practical candidate training.  Make sure to make this meeting & invite your friends.
     Richard Burke is a longtime friend of Tillamook County going back to the early grassroots Tea Party era. He trained Conservative citizen activists on being part of the solution in Oregon politics by participating instead of just grousing about the status quo.  This weekend, January 26th & 27th, the Western Liberty Network will be presenting its annual Leadership Conference at the Tigard Embassy Suites.  There is a nominal fee of $49.99 or $24.99 without lunch.  Many outstanding Oregon & regional expert presenters will encourage you to step up and be part of the solution here in Oregon.  Sponsors include Freedom Works, The Lars Larson Show, Cascade Policy Institute & others.  For more info go to www.westernlibertynetwork.org.
     I’m looking forward to seeing everyone on February 1st.  Please bring a friend or two.  We don’t often get the opportunity to listen to such an expert in political motivation.  WLN’s local candidate election training system works.  80% of WLN local candidates won their races last election cycle.    
     Yours In Liberty,
   Thomas M. Donohue
    TCRCC Chairman
The Forgotten Constitution of the United States
President Donald J. Trump’s Accomplishments List:

Tea Party Picture

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