

Next TCRCC Meeting

Business Meeting February 2, 2023 @7PM
Officers Mess Hall – Port of Tillamook

  1. 7PM – Invocation & Flag Salute
  2. Introductions: PCP’s and Guests
  3. Minutes
  4. Treasurer’s Report:
  5. Chairman’s Report:
    A. Bylaw Review
    B. Subcommittees
  6. Membership
  7. Fund Raising
  8. Budgeting
  9. Publicity
  10. Auditing
  11. Nomination
  12. Fair Booth
  13. Open Floor
  14. Adjournment, Good of the Order
  15. 50/50
The Forgotten Constitution of the United States
President Donald J. Trump’s Accomplishments List:

Tea Party Picture

TCRCC Oficers


First Time Visitors
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