Our April business meeting will be held on Friday the 8th of April at the Officers Mess Hall on the Port of Tillamook Bay base. 6825 Officer’s Row
1. Invocation, Flag Salute, Call to Order
2. Presentation from Ruth LaFrance, Chairman of Library
3. Secretary: Reading of the Executive Board Minutes
4. Treasurer’s Report:
5. Chairman’s Report:
A. Resolution Discussion for Library Bond
B. Resolution Discussion of support for Second
Amendment ballot measure
C. Headlight Herald’s Home and Garden Show: form
volunteers for the show
D. Comments on the State Central Committee Meeting
March 26
6. For the Good of the Order, Adjournment: 50/50 Pot
The Tillamook County Central Committee (TCRCC) is a registered Political Action Committee (PAC) with the Oregon Secretary of State’s office (Ore. SOS ID# 340). Its stated purpose is to “Support Republican candidates and ideals”. All contributions up to $50 can be deducted from your state income tax. An individual taxpayer can deduct up to a total of $50 or married couples filing jointly can deduct up to a total of $100. As of January 1, 2014, there was an income limitation for the Oregon Political Tax Credit. The credit is eliminated for contributors with federal adjusted gross income of over $200,000 for a joint return and $100,000 for other individual tax returns. An individual’s political donations are not deductible for federal tax returns. At this time, all correspondences with TCRCC can be directed to: TCRCC c/o Michael Sears – Chairman, 28475 Sandlake Rd., Cloverdale, OR 97112. The phone associated with TCRCC is 503-965-7736, Chairman. The website associated with TCRCC is: www.tillamookgop.org. and Facebook@ TillamookCountyRepublicanCentralCommittee