

Monthly Archives: April 2016

July 7 Meeting

Next Meeting July 7, 2016 at 7:PM 
at Tillamook PUD be sure to come 

This month’s meeting we will be discussing the Tillamook Fair and its staffing and theme.  Joe Jacobs has once again volunteered to Chair the Fair Committee.  Thank You Joe.
     We will have a representative of Dr. Bobek’s campaign staff here to talk to you about getting out the vote in north Tillamook County as Dr. Bobek challenges Rep. Deborah Boone.
     My campaign for House District 10 in south Tillamook and Lincoln Counties is still chugging along but I sure wish I could find an extra 8-10 hours a day to do it justice.  Any help would be appreciated.
     We do have lawn signs and some magnetic signs as well as bumper stickers for our local candidates so let’s get them up and on our vehicles.  Make sure your individual municipalities’ rules concerning lawn signs are obeyed as to when you can put them up and when they have to be removed.
image004    I’m looking forward to seeing a good turnout this meeting as the Fair is our biggest opportunity to talk to our voters.  Let’s make it a great one.

            Yours in Liberty,         Thomas M. Donohue

Chair TCRCC – Candidate HD 10

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