Whereas: The Tillamook County Republican Central Committee has championed Republican and Conservative ideals in Tillamook County since its inception the 5th day of the month of October, 1983 and
Whereas: The 2016 General Election to be held on the 8th day of the month of November, is a critical election for the constitutional republic of our United States of America, the State of Oregon and the County of Tillamook and
Any vote that is NOT for Donald Trump is a Vote for Hillery Clinton and a END to this America we all love Please VOTE!!!
Tillamook County Conservatives:
The next meeting of the Tillamook County Republican Central Committee normally would be held on the first Thursday of the month, November 3rd. That meeting is cancelled. In order to comply with Oregon Republican Party bylaws, our next meeting will be our biannual organizational meeting & it will be held the following Thursday November 10th (US Marine Corps birthday) at the Odd Fellows facility on Gienger Road (driving instructions: The Tillamook IOOF facility is approximately 2 miles south of the city of Tillamook at 3130 Gienger Road near the Tillamook Airport. The intersection of Hwy 101 and Gienger / Long Prairie Roads is at a flashing yellow light just south of the Trask River. At the flashing yellow light, Gienger Road goes West of Hwy 101 and Long Prairie Road goes East of Hwy 101. Follow Gienger Road for almost a mile, past the Trask River Mobile Home Park and turn right into the IOOF facility). The business meeting will start at 7PM. Light refreshments will be provided by the Chair.
The only business will be the election of TCRCC officers. Discussion of the General Election will follow. This will be a short meeting (around an hour).
We’ve all worked hard this election season & deserve a little social reward. All PCPs and Tillamook County Conservative well wishers are invited to cheer our candidates to victory on Election Night Tuesday, November 8th at the Tillamook Shilo Restaurant in the lounge starting at 7:30 PM (19:30 hours for those of a military persuasion). Light snacks will be provided by the Chair unless the Committee votes to reimburse.
This upcoming organizational meeting is an important one as we will be electing our new TCRCC officers. All positions are up for election; Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer & Alternate Vice-Chair. The Chair of our Nominating Committee is Joe Jacob. If you would like to serve as an officer or would like to nominate someone for a position, please contact Joe at (503) 801-0547.
The possibility exists that I may be elected as State Representative HD 10 and unable to serve as Chair. Also, we are in desperate need of a full time Secretary. Because we have struggled in the past to maintain that position, I have assumed many of those duties. If I’m elected we will, for sure, need a new Chair and Secretary. Give this some serious thought. I’d hate to see us fail as an organization after all the good Conservative work we’ve done since our inception in 1983 because we couldn’t find officers for the next 2 year term.
Yours In Liberty,
Thomas M. Donohue
TCRCC Chairman
Candidate HD 10