

Monthly Archives: March 2021

Tillamook County Pioneer

 Checking in with the Tillamook Republicans 
March 15, 2021

By Brian Cameron, for the Tillamook County Pioneer

When the term ‘divisiveness’ gets brought up these days it’s hard not to immediately segue into current affairs. Indeed, there is a lot to be said, by everyone. It’s true that it can be easier to respond to opposing views with a quippy meme on social media, but when it comes down to opening up the narrative it’s best to get it straight from the source.
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Next TCRCC Meeting?

No meeting for the month of March and have chosen to adhere to our past practice of meeting on the first Thursday of the month.  I will submit a request to rent the Officers Mess Hall on April 1st and May 6th to re-establish our meeting dates.

We all need to stay involved and take action IT IS NOT OVER YET !

Training below

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The Forgotten Constitution of the United States
President Donald J. Trump’s Accomplishments List:

Tea Party Picture

TCRCC Oficers


First Time Visitors
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