

TCRCC Meeting July 6th

7PM Officers Mess Hall – Port of Tillamook 6825 Officer’s Row
Business Meeting Agenda

7PM – Invocation & Flag Salute

  1. Introductions: PCP’s and Guests
  2. Minutes
  3. Treasurer’s Report:
  4. Chairman’s Report:
    A. Tillamook County Fair Planning
    a. Volunteers & Schedule
    b. Firearm Raffle & 50/50 Pot
    B. Research our 501(3)c State & Federal Status –
    C. Alternate Meeting Location and Program
    D. Petitions: organization & training
  5. Open Floor
  6. Adjournment, Good of the Order
  7. 50/50
The Forgotten Constitution of the United States
President Donald J. Trump’s Accomplishments List:

Tea Party Picture

TCRCC Oficers


First Time Visitors
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